The Cross Brings Reconciliation
Have you ever had an estranged relationship healed and reconciled? It is a wonderful thing and a wonderful feeling, isn’t it? The stress and the tension are gone and finally, there is peace and love flows freely.
That is what Christ did for us at the cross. Ephesians 2:16 NKJV says, “And that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity”.
The word ‘reconcile’ found only in this verse and in Colossians 1:20, expresses not only a return to favor with one, but also to lay aside the enmity so that complete friendship follows… (Tittmann)
The Jew and Gentile were opposed to the message of the cross and opposed to each other. Here in Ephesians Paul is saying that first, the blood of the cross cleanses both before God and makes peace between them and God – no more hostility. And secondly, it makes peace between Jew and Gentile, we become one in Christ.
Sin causes enmity between God and men, and between men and men, but Christ came to take up the enmity and bring reconciliation to end the conflict! That is good news.
In Christ, brother should not be against brother… it doesn’t matter what your status, your ethnicity… there is embrace and reconciliation at the cross of Jesus Christ.