In the midst of the darkness and gloom of our world, we often find ourselves in personal midnight seasons, facing hopelessness and uncertainty. However, midnight also represents a transition, marking the end of one day and the beginning of another. It signifies that a change is coming, and deliverance is near. In this blog, as part of our series on “What to Do In Your Midnight Season,” we will explore how to prepare for your deliverance before midnight arrives.
Midnight serves as both an ending and a beginning. It marks the transition between days and holds a special significance in civil time worldwide. Just as the date changes at midnight, we can find hope in knowing that our circumstances are about to change as well. If you are currently in a midnight season, be prepared for your deliverance, for it is on its way.
Preparing for Your Deliverance:
To grasp the importance of preparation before midnight, let us look at Exodus 11:2-4 and 12:3-12. These scriptures reveal the story of Moses and Pharaoh’s struggle regarding the release of God’s people from bondage.
Despite numerous plagues sent by God, Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let the Israelites go. However, God had a plan. He knew that the death of every firstborn in Egypt, including Pharaoh’s own son, would be the turning point. Before executing this final plague, God instructed the Israelites to take three crucial steps in preparation.
- Demand Compensation:
In Exodus 11:2-3, the Lord instructed Moses to tell the Israelites to ask their Egyptian neighbors for articles of silver and gold. This was a form of compensation for the years of slavery and injustice they had endured. Likewise, in our midnight season, we must realize that God is preparing to bring justice and compensation for the wrongs we have suffered.
- Discover The Lamb:
In Exodus 12:3-12, God provided instructions for a significant sacrifice: the Passover lamb. Each household was to select a male lamb without blemish and roast it with fire. The lamb was to be eaten entirely, and its blood applied to the doorposts as a sign of protection.
This sacrificial lamb symbolizes Jesus Christ, who was crucified and roasted in the fire of persecution for our sins. Have you invited the Lamb of God into your life? Have you embraced Him fully and applied His blood to your life?
- Get Dressed for the Journey:
In addition to these instructions, the Israelites were told to eat the lamb with a belt around their waist, sandals on their feet, and a staff in their hands. This attire represented readiness for the journey ahead. As believers, we must also be prepared with:
– The Belt of truth: Embrace and walk in the truth, rejecting falsehoods and lies.
– Sandals on feet: Be ready to carry the message of peace, not condemnation, to a troubled world.
– Staff in hand: Rely on God’s promises to keep you grounded and walk in His delegated authority.
When the Israelites obeyed these instructions, God struck all the firstborn in Egypt at midnight. Pharaoh, overwhelmed by the tragedy, finally released the Israelites, urging them to depart. Similarly, when God starts to deal with the enemies in your life, deliverance is imminent. The fire He ignites will make you too hot for them to handle.
In your midnight season, do not succumb to darkness and despair. Instead, learn from the Israelites who obeyed God’s instructions through His appointed leader, Moses. Begin your preparations before midnight, as your deliverance draws near. Follow the steps of demanding compensation and embracing the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ. Also, get dressed for the journey with truth, peace, and God’s promises as your guiding forces.
Remember, it is payback time for the injustices you have endured. Fear not, for the Lord is planning a Passover for His people. As midnight arrives, every chain that binds you and your household will be broken. Be faithful in preparing for the major move of God that is on the horizon. Your turnaround season is here. Trust in the Lord, for He will bring forth your freedom.
So, in this pre-midnight season, prepare and anticipate the mighty deliverance that awaits you.