A Divine encounter is an unplanned meeting or surprise meeting with God or a supernatural interruption from God; and as a result of that encounter an individual experiences blessings, transformation and fulfillment of destiny.
Journey to A Divine Encounter: Compelling Moments That Define Destiny” invites readers into the captivating world of Ruth, a woman whose life is a testament to her daring faith, devotion, determination, which leads her a surprise meeting with God and fulfillment of her destiny.
As she navigates through losses, trials, heartache and rejection, each moment unfolds like a chapter in a divine masterpiece, shaping her destiny in ways she never imagined possible.
Ruth’s story will resonate with you on a deeply personal level, inspiring you to embark on your own journey of God-discovery and ultimate self-discovery. Journey to a Divine Encounter serves as an inspiration of hope, reminding you that even in your darkest moments of loss, pain and hopelessness…, the hand of destiny is always at work, guiding you towards your true purpose that holds the key to your destiny and heart’s fulfillment.
Treasures of Wisdom is a heartfelt and inspiring 52- week devotional book that draws on the timeless wisdom of Scripture to provide readers with guidance and spiritual nourishment. Through these powerful reflections, author, Rev. Linda P. Jones shares the revelation she received from the Holy Spirit, illuminating the hidden gems of wisdom found within the pages of the Bible.
Each week’s entry offers practical application of biblical principles, encouraging readers to deepen their faith and knowledge in the Word, and enrich their relationship with God. Whether you’re seeking comfort, guidance, or simply a source of ongoing inspiration, Treasures of Wisdom is the perfect companion for anyone on their spiritual journey.
12 Principles for Soul Survivors will provide you with keys and the strength to help you make it through any struggle, difficulty or adversity that you are experiencing right now. Each step provides a handle that you can take hold of as you step up to the next level of fulfillment in your life.
These 12 principles are taken from my personal story in my book Soul Survivor which documents my journey through many terrifying experiences from childhood to adulthood. These principles will help you to survive, to outlast, what in the past have devastated others, so that you could eventually thrive.
Soul Survivor is the candid story of my journey from despair, shame, pain, rejection and abuse…to sanity and wholeness.
It is how God brought me from the ashes of degradation and lifted up my head to a life of honor and fruitfulness. Though it speaks of great pain and heartache the beauty of Soul Survivor is the hope it gives to the reader that God is able to bring purpose and meaning out of the most desperate life and circumstances.

21-Day Devotions for Soul Survivors was written just for you as you journey through a myriad of issues – they could be health issues, financial issues, cultural issues, prejudice, family issues, sin issues, abuse issues, abandonment and rejection issues, loneliness, spiritual issues.
It features several biblical women whose stories are a testament to the power of a faithful God. These are women who in spite of their many challenges out-lived their circumstances to thrive – they are the stuff soul survivors are made of. You will be encouraged and empowered in your journey to move from surviving to thriving.
It is more than a devotional, but a mini Bible Study as well, that could be profitable in your Bible study groups or women’s ministry.

‘Decrees for Soul Survivors’ is the companion booklet to ‘Soul Survivor’. It is a compilation of scriptural decrees that the author used as she made the difficult and painful journey to wholeness. It is the strength she gathered from the word of God that gave her the courage and hope to continue through the dark heart-wrenching days that came, sometimes without reprieve.
When you decree God’s Word you bring Him on the scene, He comes and establishes His Lordship over every circumstance of your life. The enemy is subdued; the atmosphere changes over your life changes and the power of God activated to heal every hurt, wound, and heartache and settle you in shalom (the peace of God).
The Decrees are separated under topic headings e.g., Comfort; Health, Wholeness & Healing; Restoration; Protection from Enemies; Victory… which makes easy access to the topics you need at any given time. The Scripture Reference are also listed for your study and meditation

Women are very much a part of God’s original intent in fulfilling His purpose on the earth. She is created by Yahweh’s Divine Design.
Calling All Deborahs is call to action to arise from limiting beliefs and wrong mindsets and to be equipped and empowered to live their lives to their full potential. It is a call to all women to the frontlines to engage in the business of the King and His kingdom.
It features the exploits of Deborah, the first female Supreme Court Judge in history. Many have been waiting for such a call, as it will draw out the potential in women to unleash the power of God in them, to be solution-oriented in every sector of society, bringing transformation and reformation as they release God’s prophetic justice in the earth.

There are two cries being sounded in the earth today: one is from the people of the nations of the earth, for deliverance from the oppression they are suffering because of their sin, injustices and moral decay; and the other is from the heart of God that His Deborahs would arise and be courageous to execute His justice on behalf of the peoples of the earth.
This ten-lesson workbook is written as an activity guide to go with the book Calling All Deborahs. Using the experiences of Deborah the judge, this workbook will take you through thought-provoking and challenging questions to motivate you to fearlessly rise from every limitation and wrong mindset, and with the Lord’s heart of compassion, uphold God’s righteous constitution for justice in the earth.
This workbook is ideal for small groups, personal Bible study, church classes and workshops. The Call of Deborah is ultimately for every member of the Body of Christ.
Do you feel like you are living in the ashes of past rejection, disappointments and heartaches? Does everything around you seem like burnt rubble and you are wondering if anything good could come out of your life?
Out of the Ashes takes the real-life stories of ancient women in the Bible and bring them alive, so that you, today’s woman, can readily identify with them and not feel alone and abandoned in your pain and brokenness.
These women candidly tell their personal stories of how God intervened and transformed their lives from the ashes of shame, loss, rejection, grief, loneliness, poor choices, and despair to one of hope, wholeness and purpose.
Their stories are a testament that God can bring dynamic healing, restoration and purpose out of the ruins of your life.
“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory” – 1 Samuel 2:8.
Jesus was unapologetically radical. While He was here on earth, everything He did, said and how He thought, was radical.
This generation needs to know that Jesus Christ is the most radical person that ever lived. He was and still is revolutionary; He is militant and even fanatical about His mission and about us – His creation.
This is the Jesus we need to present to a generation who is not afraid or threatened by the radical; this is the Person they want, and this is the Person whom they are searching for – The Radical Jesus.
The Methods of the Gibeonites
Scripture warns that in the last days, the spirit of deception will arise in full force.
Exposing the Spirit of Deception identifies the methods of operation of this spirit and how it surreptitiously works its way into the Church and into our private lives as well.
Exposing the Spirit of Deception serves as a caution to all believers as Paul warned the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians 11:3.
We are called to be watchful, so that as the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden by his craftiness, so our minds may not be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
There is formal training for just about every profession, but there is very little in the way of training parents for the most important task in the universe, rearing children.
For this Child I Prayed is designed to encourage parents in their endeavors as co-laborers with God to raise righteous seed for God’s kingdom; a generation that would show forth His glory in the earth.
It is by no means a comprehensive book on parenting, but it is easy reading, with tips, guides, poems and prayers; something a parent can refer to again and again.
Whether you are the biological parent of a child or have the responsibility of raising children either through adoption, fostering, step parenting or grand parenting, this book will be of help to you
Today more than any other time in history, mankind is looking for peace; they are seeking for peace for their lives, and also hoping for peace among the nations in our turbulent world.
But is it possible to have peace, a lasting peace, and a peace no matter what? Yes it is possible to have personal peace in the midst of trying times, or in times of grief, loss and heartache.
The Peace of God explores what this peace is like and what it does to those who embrace it. You will be surprised to know it is nothing like the peace this world offers. This peace is God’s gift to you!
“I Am A Woman of Worth” encourages personal growth as it helps uncover the clues, consequences and root causes of that nagging sense of unworthiness that many of us struggle with at various levels, while giving keys to recover our sense of worth and high value we have in God.
Your pain can qualify you for your purpose, but it depends on how you respond to this question – What Aileth Thee?
What Aileth Thee, takes you on a journey into the real life drama of a single parent family, Hagar and Ishmael. It takes you through the pain they endured as a result of being rejected and evicted by Abraham and his wife Sarah, and how Jehovah intervened and brought redemption and purpose to their lives.
Through their experiences we see how God lovingly invites you to confront your pain – not to hide from it or bury it. We see how He is willing, and more than able to heal and redeem your woundedness, so that you can confidently and compassionately minister healing to others, as well as experience great fulfilment in your own life.