God Can Transform Your Pain Into Purpose.
Hagar’s story takes you on a journey into real life drama of a rejected and abandoned, single parent family, Hagar and her son Ishmael.
We learn from their experiences how God lovingly invites us to confront our pain, so that He could bring healing to our woundedness and in turn use it for His purposes and glory.
Meet Dr. Linda

Dr. Linda P Jones, is a wife, mother, author, speaker, coach/mentor and gifted teacher of the Word of God and ordained minister.
She draws on her own personal “lived” experiences and lessons of life to connect passionately, and empathetically with her audiences. She founded Linda P Jones Ministries and her mission is to equip women for life and ministry. As a result she has also founded Women of Worth Ministries (W.O.W) and Women of Worth Mentorship Academy –WOWMA.
WOWMA is a transformational mentoring online academy established on four significant pillars: H.E.R.S.: to help Heal, Equip, Restore women to Serve with confidence and unapologetically in their calling.
Dr. Jones has written over 12 books, spoken at community groups, educational institutes, and has hosted seminars/workshops, conferences, prayer breakfasts, and women’s meetings.
She holds a Doctor and a Master’s degree in Practical Theology from Masters International University of Divinity Evansville, Indiana and a Bachelors of Theology from Christian International.