Linda P Jones

The Power and Blessings of the Cross of Jesus Christ

The Cross Repudiates Every Accusation Against Us The Cross of Jesus Christ repudiated every accusation against you. To ‘repudiate’ is to disclaim, renounce or reject. Colossians 2:14 states, “Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us.  And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the

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The Power and Blessings of the Cross of Jesus Christ

The Cross Ruptures the Relationship We Once Had With the World Apostle Paul was a brilliant man; in today’s academic world he would have held several Doctorates. However, in referring to his educational and religious accomplishments, he counted them as dung, in order to know Christ (See Philippians 3:4-8). Paul had reason to glory or boast

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The Power and Blessings of the Cross of Jesus Christ The Cross Brings Reconciliation

The Cross Brings Reconciliation Have you ever had an estranged relationship healed and reconciled? It is a wonderful thing and a wonderful feeling, isn’t it? The stress and the tension are gone and finally, there is peace and love flows freely. That is what Christ did for us at the cross. Ephesians 2:16 NKJV says,

The Power and Blessings of the Cross of Jesus Christ The Cross Brings Reconciliation Read More »