Are You in a Horrible Place

“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian.

And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.”  Exodus 3:1

We’ve all heard, or read inspirational rags-to-riches stories, where someone rises from poverty to become a multi-millionaire in just a few years. Moses’ story however, unfolds quite differently. The once ‘Prince of Egypt,’ is now a shepherd, tending his father-in-law’s flock—not even his own—on the backside of the desert (Exodus 3:1).

No longer enjoying the wealth, affluence and influence of Egypt, but now a fugitive living in exile, in a desert place on the mountain of Horeb, performing the lowest of jobs. A drastic transformation from a life of luxury to one of obscurity and menial labor.

Mt. Horeb will play a significant role in the life of the servant of God as we would see. Horeb means desolation, barrenness, dry or dried. I like to say it was a Horebible (horrible) place, yet it is called ‘The mountain of God’ – what a paradox.

It had been forty years and Moses probably had given up all hopes of anything good happening to him.  He had put his past behind him, so he thought, he lost his princely confidence, and had reconciled himself to this desert life – nothing in comparison to what he enjoyed in Egypt– but he got used to it.

Aren’t we a bit like that? When things don’t work out as we had hoped, we eventually resign ourselves to accept something far less than we wanted, and convince ourselves that this is the best life has to offer us.

“And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush…Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”  – Exodus 3:2; 10

When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses, it became a defining moment in his life and ministry. Everything changed for the despondent Moses in that Horebible place.

Aren’t you glad that though you may have given up on yourself – God has not given up on you?

Moses’ first encounter with Jehovah on this barren, desolate, Horebible place makes it truly ‘the mountain of God’. Here Moses was called and commissioned to return to Egypt to be God’s instrument to deliver His people from slavery – to fulfil his purpose.  At that moment he must have thought, “God are You for real, You are telling me to return to Egypt to a sure death. Have You forgotten I killed and Egyptian to defend an Israelite brother?

His mother saved him as a baby from the death sentence of the king of Egypt because she perceived destiny inside of her son (see Exodus 2:2-3). Therefore, no Horebible place was going to abort that. Horeb was the beginning of a new chapter, where he transitioned from a shepherd to a leader of a nation.

Maybe you feel like Moses did, and you could well describe the situation you in as Horebible. God loves to come in the midst of your Horeb to let you know, it is not over until He says so.  He comes right there with intentionality, and re-commissions you to your assignment which you abandoned. Maybe because you felt it was too difficult, or because your motives were misunderstood, or because they accused you of being proud, or they said you couldn’t do it….none of this matters. Your horrible place is His Mountain

If you dwelling in a dry place feeling disqualified because of your history, know that the Lord does not consult with your past to determine your future. Actually your past actually qualifies you for your destiny.

Decide that you are done with the excuses and are ready to get on with God’s purpose for your life. You are on the brink of fulfilling your call.

Loving God, Serving His people

Dr. Linda P. Jones.

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